Heading back to Michigan soon, after another great summer in Alaska.
Going to take a little time off to rest and relax and then it will be time get everything ready for the upcoming fall, winter, and spring steelhead seasons in Michigan.
Kings have started to show in the PM already so you know it wont be long before the battle for the big uglies will begin on our West Michigan streams, but beautiful chromers will be soon to follow!
Book your date now for a great day on the river.
Pics from the last couple weeks in Alaska.
Momma and the kids.
Momma and the kids.
Not bad accommodations but living in a tent in Alaska for the summer gets a little old, looking forward to getting home.
Naknek Rainbows! My absolute favorite fish.
Monster Alaskan Pike on the Fly.
Chum Salmon.
Lake Trout.
Pink Salmon.
The camp Fox. He hung around the first part of the summer but when grizzlies show up all the other animals go into hiding.
Arctic Char.
And the last salmon of the summer, the Silvers (Coho).