The Big Manistee is still loaded with Kings!
Its been an eventful season fishing the Big Man. to say the least. Things can get a little dicey with so many fisherman working the upper stretches near Tippy Dam, but with so many kings, cohos, skamnia, trout and the fall steelhead starting showing up the fishing has been great. I have been staying up north for weeks on end and am looking forward to some quite fall stellheading back on my favorite spots on the Muskegon, can't wait to get away from the crowds, and the deer that keep running into my truck.
I would like to thank all my clients for some great days on the water. Here are some pics from the past week.
Awesome fall steelhead!
Another nice Manistee chromer.
Lots of big kings this year.
These fish have been just destroying the equipment.
Shawn with an absolutely picture perfect early fall steelhead.
More fresh chrome.
I even managed to pic of a couple of skamanias feeding behind pods of spawning kings, during some of my down time between trips.